Not had energy for photography but here is a nice turf topped wall I saw when visiting my Granny...

And because it matches in colour, a rhododendron in bloom behind a shed...

My own garden has taken a back seat this year but Mr P has been gradually implementing the plans I did for his garden and it is shaping up wonderfully. It's quite common for him to wander around it before work enjoying the new growth and pouncing upon perennial weeds with a passion I couldn't have predicted. Most of the plants have been grown from cuttings or divisions with some key shrubs bought at sale prices but he's made a couple of special purchases like this lovely Amelanchier Lamarkii which is berrying up nicely just now. Not sure if we'll get to eat the berries as the blackbirds have just noticed them. Here is it's Spring blossom...

Having found a new love of gardening he bought a Brill Razorcut manual lawn mower. It's BRILLIANT! No more wasting electricity on the garden. It's a quality product that will last and can be repaired and maintained throughout it's long long life so he didn't mind the higher price tag, it will totally pay for itself in time. It's lovely to hear the purr of the Brill instead of the loud noise of electric or petrol mowers and the cut is great, his little patch of grass has never looked so good. I'd particularly recommend the Brill to people with arthritis or similar joint problems because it is so much gentler on the body than anything else I've ever used. Currently it comes in two sizes and it's the smaller Brill Razorcut 33 we've been using because, but there is a larger one, the 38 and also I think a motorized version for larger gardens.
Oh my goodness, it's taken 2 days to write this, no wonder I'm not blogging just now. Wishing you all the best of health and weather until I pop in again. Until then, I'll be taking care of myself in a quiet way.
Great to read a post from you, I was getting very worried, take care of yourself. My mum now has ME which has given me more insight into it.
Hurrray! Nice to hear about you again!Wish you all the best and looking forward to have you back! Take care Cally!
Welcome back, wonderful to see a new post from you. I found your blog and was sorry to find your illness was holding you back. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your older posts, especially about your work at college, your determination to stay true to yourself is inspirational.
A good friend of mine has suffered through ME and I understand how up and down things can be, I hope you feel things easing for you and we see you able to post more often.
Oh, I've missed your posts! I hope you're doing well and that we hear more from you soon!
Thank you for coming back to update us, your readers, with a post! Hope you feel better...
this is wonderful! i am loving your images, the colors and your eye so well trained to deliver beauty.
glad to hear from you!!! Wishing you healthy long days and nights.
oh cally! so good to hear from you. have been worried.
p/s did you get the sew green emails??
So good to hear from you and see you're still alive! ;) Take care of yourself and prioritise what you spend your energy on. Hugs!
Cally so great to hear from you again- and sorry to hear you have been so unwell. You have been missed, but the main thing is that you look after yourself as much as you can. Remember if there's anything I can do just give a shout!
I'm so happy to see this post! Some of us bloggers here in sweden have been talking about you, wondering what might have happend. Take care and take your time, we'll still be here - waiting :)
How wonderful to see your blog pop up in my RSS feed. I'd been wondering how you were and feeling sad that you weren't around. I'm sorry to hear that the ME has been bad, I hope you get an upswing very soon.
So glad to see this post! I do hope you feel better soon. Obviously, many think of you and are sending their best wishes. Hope we see you again soon.
Cally...I'm so happy to see your soft-toned post!
I would so much like to read more've always been an inspiration!
Many sunny smiles!
Really sorry to hear you are having such a bad time of it this year. Just know we are all here for you when you are able to return to the blogosphere more regularly. Warmest.
Dear Cally, It's so good to see you back and to know you're a bit better! I was so disappointed to read that you sent me an e-mail which never arrived here. LoL!
welcome back, hope your health improves for you and you get to enjoy life even more ,take care
we are all here for you friend.
Yeah! Not dead! Not dead, not dead, not dead! (Imagine me trying to sing that while standing on a cliff overlooking the sea.)I am happy that you came to the surface once again. Your buddy in flotsam, Anna
Oh, just seen this Cally (I've been away from my computer a lot too this summer). I hope you're taking care of yourself and will be back blogging soon.
Lots of love to you Cally xx
HZappy New year Cally, thinking of you!
Hi Cally
I have just discovered your blog and find it very interesting. I enjoy the art that you show and your images of Scotland.
I am sorry to hear about your M.E. I have MS and I understand a bit about your tiredness.
Keep blogging- I look forward to see more.
Just tuned into your blog after ages away and it's great to see you have written another post after your long break. Sorry to hear the ME has been bad and I hope you are surviving this long cold winter Ok up in the Northlands.
Best wishes for a healthy Spring - it must get here soon!!
Hallo Cally
Miss you so on the blog. Hope you're not feeling too bad and that you'll be back soon.
Stina in Sweden
hello cally, long time no see, hope you're doing ok. x
Hope you are well. I miss your blog posts!
Hello - sending you good wishes and hope for better health and happiness now it is Spring xx
I hope things are going okay for you friend, hugs.
Hey Beauty ... have I told you lately that I miss you?
hello cally ... hoping this finds you feeling better and that you are just quiet here, and will return sometime. miss seeing your posts and your color-filled days. of course now it's all white and will be for awhile.
wishing you fine times in the coming year and lots of peace to you -- xo susan
Dear Cally,
I never give up hope that we'll hear from you again. Happy New Year to you, and may it bring you health, good energies, joy and the ability to be creative. Miss you.
Just popping back here as I do from time to time to see how you are. You really do still have one of the best blogs out there.
Please take care.
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