I love the museum on Chambers Street, not just the exhibits, but the building itself. These pics were taken in the original building, but the new one is equally wonderful and detailed. Anyone visiting Edinburgh must go there and go to the roof terrace to view the city. I like to go there if I feel tired or in need of fresh air in the middle of the city.
Thanks for the tip about the muesum - I'm coming to Edinburgh for the weekend for the first time and I was wondering whether you could recommend some great places to visit!
That's spooky...I was wandering around in there today as well! Shame we didn't bump into one and other....
I love your photography!
i love this building... and your photos of close up pieces of it. very lovely!
Love these cally! you have a supreme eye for DETAILS...!
Thanks for enjoying the photo's everyone, I'd love to spend every day just wandering and photographing things.
And thank goodness for digital cameras, at least now I don't spend all my savings on getting things printed (my SLR used to be very busy on the beach and in junk shops etc.) and then having to find space to throw out the ones that turned out bad.
That's one of my favourite places too. Love the way you've gone for the details.
Sorry I didn't reply sooner, my blog comments usually get directed to my home email but this week a few have been taking time to come in, including yours, so a belated reply...
Where to go in Edinburgh, well, I rarely go out so I'm no good on nightlife, but for daytime things, the Museum is great for the view, but it also has lots of good exhibits, and most importantly, lots of toilets!
For a quiet cup of tea at Baraka go right when you come out of the museum, walk to the end of the street and cross the road to Infirmary Street (O'Briens on corner).
If you go left coming out the museum and cross over the road that meets Chambers St you'll see Greyfriars Bobby (nearby is Greyfriars Kirk).
That's you on George the 4th Bridge (doesn't look like a bridge, just a street) where you can get veggie food (see, I peeked at your blog) in The Elephant House where JK wrote a lot of Harry Potter. Opposite that is a place that does Middle Eastern take away snacks, very tasty.
Also on that street is the National Library (opposite the 'normal' library) which has some exhib on about ornithology... I've not seen it yet, but it's free and the poster looked good.
Coming off G.4th Bridge near the library is Victoria Street (good St for photo's) which has some nice specialist shops and also the Red Door Gallery with nifty things in it.
Keep going down Victoria St and you are in the Grassmarket where there are lots of pubs on one side and ... All Hail... ARMSTRONGS 2nd hand clothing heaven on the other side plus a great hat shop a few door along.
Couldn't begin to direct you to this one but Concrete Butterfly/ Concrete Wardrobe is a good shop if you have any money... but it doesn't open till about 12 most days. Address on internet.
Oops, must dash, I have left my masonry paint open outside and the brush will be drying out. Leave another post on here if you want to know more, or anything specific.
Nearly forgot, the Botanic Gardens are great too. A daysaver bus ticket is £2.30 and you can go anywhere on it all day, there are a few buses in hte town centre (and near library) that go past the gardens, about 10mins drive from middle of town.
But be warned, the cafe is a bit pricey, though there is a wee cafe right at the East Gate that used to do nice wee puddings and things, less expensive though no garden view. And outside (not inside) the West Gate there is sometime the best Ice Cream van ever, homemade stuff, amazing flavours, but I think at this time of year it might just be an ordinary ice cream van there.
I can understand why.. what a beauty..
and I like your photos too..
It's one of my favourite places in the whole wide world. I've been going there since I was a baby and I always make a point of visiting when I'm up seeing my folks.
Thanks so much for the tips - they are a great starting point. I'll let you know how i get on!
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