Top is a detail from my Diwali flip flops, bottom is a thrifted saucer, I can only imagine what the teacup looked like that must have once matched it.
My front door came completely off in my hands yesterday, I mean, right off. I spent over an hour in the rain trying to get it on (luckily the gale was blowing away from the door) bu to no avail. Today Mr P helped me with it, turns out it is unfixable, but at least we got it re-attached so I could lock it. I have to use my side door now, which is not so good as it lets all the heat out my house and sends the wind blowing right across my bed! But hey, at least I have a second door option so I'm happy about that.
Ooh, must dash, got a text to say food is ready, Mr P making his super tasty pasta. He used to live in Italy so his pasta is always beautiful and the best comfort food. Bye....
pasta is a much needed comfort.. after some home-disasters happen..
I have too disaster.. and always on sundays when I am home.. my only off day..and I have to deal with those.. =(..
I hope you get it fixed soon..
love the details of your flip flops, so lovely and sweet!
I hope your disaster is better now? I can't fix my door so mostly I will use the other one until I have time and money to fit a new door.
Ah, I love the details too, and they were a bargain price, so I enjoy even more knowing that.
I've loved red and turquoise together for the longest time. It makes me feel quite courageous on days I wear that colour combination to work. K
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