The gas delivery man stopped by my neighbour with a whole van of perfect blue gas bottles. I think he thought I was mad swooning and taking photo's. My own winter fuel (wood pellets) has run out and no delivery till Wednesday. Luckily the weather has turned mild again which is lucky as there is a wonderful howling blustery wind. I was a March baby so I think that's why I love a mild wind. Tuesday is meant to be cold so I am saving my last hopper of fuel to burn that evening. Brrr, my toes are numb now, must stop blogging.

that van of gas looks somehow french. The light is beautful. glad it's milder, still pretty cold in the midlands and our heating has been broken for a week!
Oh poor Ruth,
I sympathise totally. I went 3 years with no heat but luckily had my best friend next door so I didn't have to stay home when it was coldest.
Hope you get something sorted soon and in the meantime, I can highly recommend a half sized hot water bottle tucked into the waistband of loose trousers.
Oh Cally - Swoon away, artists are allowed! I agree, they are very pretty when seen as you show them!
i agree with ulla cally, these beautiful blue bottles are drawing me in!
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