Sunrise about a month ago cause I have no access to old Habitat pics.
I'm loving all your comments about Habitat memories on my recent post, would love to hear more. It really was such a style Mecca for so many in the 70's, so glad others felt the same way, Poor Sharon not being allowed to go, not fair. I love that you pretended, cause hey, in your imagination you did your best to get there. But yes, the moonlike pull of the paper globe light shades, I was so excited when we got some. Only a couple initially cause they were quite pricey in those days.
I just loved all the white, the clean lines, the simplicity of it all. We'll, ahem, forget that plasticy pop arty phase they went through in the 80's when it started to verge on tacky and was more like Pound Stretcher (bit like Pic 'n' Save). Now don't get me wrong, I was equally excited to discover Pic 'n' Save when we moved to LA, finally, a shop in my price range, I rember buying folders for school, the kind that held punched paper but also some notebooks, pens etc. You don't get them here in the UK, at least not for standard school use like in the States. I thought they were SO nifty, almost James Bond-ish compared to Scottish school kit. And I mean, rucksacks!!!! We never had them over here till years and years later (same with trainers). LA was just so exciting and affordable. But back to Habitat in the 70's...
We never bought anything big like furniture, just small things. And Christmas things. I used to get so excited by the kids table of toys they would have at xmas, wooden toys, knitted toys, puzzles... I was always the kind of kid who was happier with wooden things and simpler toys, rather than fancy stuff, which is not to say I wasn't enthralled by my brother's Sonic Ear which was like a big plastic gun shaped thing (big) which you put on the wall so you could listten to people on the other side. But I soon realised a paper cup was just as good, and a lot more discreet.
I also liked, still do like, the 'old fashioned' small toys and gimmicky things in Studio One. Like the little packet of powdery stuff that grew into a crystal garden. The one I keep looking for but never see is one that had papery things in it which you did something to and they became flowers I think... but it was different from the crystal thing.
Oh, just remembered that sticky 'glass' stuff that came with a tube and you could blow bubbles that would harden like glass, kind of, and had various subtle colours. Not seen that in years but always liked getting it. I was in the other day to get the mini spirograph set cause mine is packed away, but they didn't sem to have one. I'm always on the lookout for a good full size one in charity shops but no joy yet. I got my first Spirograph when I was 5 and had my birthday in hospital when I was having yet another eye operation (got one dodgy eye that can only see blurry shapes). It was such a perfect present for a bed bound kid.
What simple presents did you, or do you still enjoy? I love hearing about these things, especially if I discover new stuff I didn't know about.
never been to habitat, but now i sure want to....
i'm so easy to please at christmas- if it's nicely wrapped i'm sold. serious.
aside: i just wanted to say that your comment about that last bed piece really meant so much to me.... made me smile!!
I used to buy my Christmas presents from Habitat when I was younger, just the little cheap things like decorations because I knew my mum and stepdad would like it. When I popped in the other day the revamp was still happening, but I did wonder if you had bought all the decorations!
I spent about an hour in Studio One on Saturday, such a great place and will definitely be getting a few decorations and prezzies from there. I love the way you think it's only small but it opens up more and more rooms. And it's so lovely and Christmassy at the moment!
Tried to take a few surreptitious pics for you but I got a row once before and I chickened out when the staff kept walking by. They seemed to be swarming around me the whole 10mins I was trying!
Re. your bed piece, I'm looking at it in flickr every day, I think it's just wonderful. I'm such a dreamer anyway, cause in my dreams I don't have dodgy muscles or allergies, so anything to do with beautiful beds, pattern and sweet dreams is always going to speak to me :0)
Imagine the fun at home if I HAD bought all the deco's. I'd love to do a 5 min trolley dash in there!!!
I was in Studio One too and must confess I made a few purchases.. though was horrified that they now charge 10p for the little fortune telling fish thingies. Rrrrrrip off. Didn't get any of them, wil try online. But so many other little treats to consider.
The One World Shop, which I'd not been in for ages, didn't seem to have much. Hell, they don't even sell those tasty flapjacks anymore - shocking.
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