Aquilegia in lilac and acid green
(the intense green doesn't show here)
My mum told me Chelsea Garden Show has already started and then I realised that the Dundee Degree Show must be started too. Where has this month gone? Mr P suggested we go (Dundee) at the weekend but I think that would be madness, even if I was feeling better. There are few things that get me over excited as much as degree shows and when I go to Dundee it brings back SO many memories of creative times that I get all enthused and start wanting to do print, sculpt, sew, cut, make jewellery, make textiles... you get the picture. That said, if (when) I'm better in June I'll be keen to go to the Edinburgh Show, any of you going along? I had great fun going round with Daphne last year, my second meeting with a fellow blogger.
Blue and white Aquilegia
Ooh, new category at Chelsea - Roof Gardens!!! One of my posts for Sew Green next month when we have 'Water' as a theme, will be Green Roofs. So maybe there are some green roofs in the roof garden displays. I hope so. I've been sneakily transforming a garage roof near me into a subtle green roof by throwing pits of succulent up there - they stick in the moss and then get tiny yellow flowers in summer. I'll also be posting on Permaculture swimming pools. Agh, so behind with everything. In fact, I shouldn't even be posting here at all, I have far far too much to do but I got such a buzz of blog enthusiasm realising I had readers.
On that note, I was very excited getting up today and thinking there might be people I've not heard from before revealing their origins in the comments, so far Deedeen, Karoline and Beth have revealed themselves. Thanks Gals! Everyone else, don't be shy, just say hi.
Beth, I already know and love your work, I'm a sucker for anything twiggy (I'm guessing you've seen my twig ring - love twig jewellery) and I saw one of your shows, not sure if it was your BA or your MA but it stuck in my mind (pre blog). I meant to email you year when I was promoting local jewellers to ask if I could show a piece on my blog, but it coincided with all my veggies needing attention and I eased off the blogging.
Bleeding Heart
Milla, so glad you stopped by again because Zoics - love your ABC of Artists posts over at Made By Milla , I especially liked the ones for D as I hadn't ever seen most of them before.

Seedheads of Grape Hyacyinth
I was finally allowed to buy Mr P something arty for his birthday this year. I've always wanted to get him a made gift, but he never likes much (and my own work isn't really his taste) so I was very pleased in March when we were in the Flat Gat Gallery (and tea room, great cakes) in Lauder and I saw a 'look' in his eye when I showed him this...
It's so rare for him to like something so I said I'd buy it for him. Gulp, I hadn't even looked at the price. Thankfully when I turned it over it was marked half price because it had two small chips in it. Still £25, not my usual Charity shop bargain, but still, half price on something that he truly wanted felt like a good deal. Best of all, it meant I didn't have to worry about not being well enough to buy him a present over the last few weeks - though the poor man was sent out to buy his own birthday food treats on my behalf.
cally these flowers are breathtaking. makes me stop in my tracks! the vessel is really intriguing too... i can see why you got it for him!
such beautiful flower pics, cally... ethereal and delicate and such lovely colors!
Of course you have readers when you post pictures like these. You are amazing. I hope you soon feel up to degree shows and garden shows and everything you want to do.
I really would love to come for the shows, sounds great, but no holidays + no money = impossible... Sad but true. Oh, and thanks again for passing by! I'll let you know when my e-shop will open, it will be bilingual! ;-)
Neat links. Incidentally, I know Milla from Made By Milla in real life, she's just as cool as you'd imagine.
Beautiful flowers photography, and lovely links all around.
such beautiful pictures again...and you MUST go to these shows when you feel up to it...wish i could come with you!!!
Lovely present for Mr P!!! xxx
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