On the bus, 18 - 81, yet so similar.
Their coats were the same colour too,
one a raincoat, the other a combat jacket.
Amazing, just realised my last post was my 500th. No wonder I get tired.
One of the things that is always guaranteed to bring a HUGE smile to my face is Morran, Camilla's dog, on video. See her dancing! Camilla also had a link to this beautiful piece of jewellery by Andi Gut (found via Ma Roulotte).
Other good things I have been missing during my semi-absence (other than everyone's May Birthdays - Mr P has his today) are the posts over at Sew Green where I also post, usually. With all the Spring cleaning that happens this time of year you really should read 'Laundry Soap DIY' and 'Clean Green'. And if your not getting your home gorgeous, you're probably getting yourself gorgeous, but what lurks within those beauty products and what are the alternatives? All is revealed in 'cosmetics: it's what's on the inside that counts' and 'green toes'.
Miss P got me Neways as they make safe products for your skin which include labelling for people with allergies. She gave me Great Tan for my Christmas and I did a test on my leg recently, nice colour- not orangey at all, so I'm very pleased. Thanks Miss P.
Makes me want a sorbet.
I'm utterly obsessed with the whole Clustr Map thing just now, I thought maybe 20 people a week were popping by, but the map has only been on for 8 days (and it didn't start counting till the 3rd day) and already there have been 1102 visits! I'm gagging to know who on Earth you all are? And Katharine says that figure doesn't include people using RSS feeds, which I know a good few of you are using. I'm so stunned! What makes you visit? What do you like seeing or reading about. I'm utterly intrigued. I squealed myself breathless when I read that 200 people visited on Friday.
I am also a bit mortified. It was one thing to think it was a handful of you, but to have so many people seeing my atrocious spelling. I hope you come for the pictures and don't notice the grammar. The writing part is really for myself, I never imagine that many people read it. My mix of UK, US, UK schooling means I got totally muddled about which grammatical rules to follow and it would appear I now make it up as I go along Fal-dee-da. But I do spell colour with a 'u'.

Chives in old Ecover tubs at Damhead Farm Shop.
One of the things that stops me commenting on sites is word verification. I don't mind the first few but after about 5 I get irritated, esp. if they are long ones. I get that impatience from my mother. We laugh because she used to get annoyed waiting for the bread to toast and would pop it up and eat it before it was ready.
So, to encourage you to leave a comment I have turned it off word verification for a few days (or until the spam starts). I hope you'll leave a note to say who you are, what you do, what interests you about this blog (and what doesn't). Are you all men? I'd love to be able to visit you too if you have a blog or website, but feel free to leave an anonymous comment if you prefer.
I'm having a go at socialising tonight, friends round for Mr P's Birthday dinner. Fingers crossed I make it through without having to go back to bed. Hope you've all been having a good weekend. I can tell you right now that you have all perked up my weekend with your visits.
Wow, am I the first?
So, I have been reading you for only one week, but I love your photos, opinions and everything. Don't mind the grammar, mine is awfull too, as I'm frenchspeaking...
I'm from Switzerland, am a seamstress-fashion-stylist-blablabla...
Take a look at my blog if you've got the time, I would be happy to see you there! ;-)
I'm looking forward to read all your archives when I get the time to!
Oh, and a happy birthday to Mr. P!
Ooh thanks for leaving your details. I'll pop by your blog. Confession time. I went through most of my life (now 36) thinking the Swiss spoke Swiss, and then a year or two ago I suddenly realised I couldn't think what Swiss sounded like. Thankfully I was enlightened about my ignorance by Mr P. Oops!
Well, I for one, think you have here a wonderful place. First of all, it soothes me. The clean images you find and take. The simplicity of it all. I can feel a fresh deep breathe of clean air, or I can feel dew drops on a plant...Just simple feelings that come with images you share. You are intriguing and funny. I have missed you during your absence. So glad you are back. But, I must say, even during the absence, I enjoyed your images. xxo, Vanessa
Oh yes, and you inspire me to go to the farmer's market and bring home green beans, which I toss with garlic...I have been very into greens lately. Because of you too.....
Hi Cally,
Happy 500th post!
I have been visiting for some time, and I enjoy your blog for the unique inspirations, lovely relaxing & beautiful nature photography, great sense of humour, green info and love getting to know you, a sweet endearing soul :)
Happy 500th post, I found your blog through SewGreen and I've been enjoying your pictures.
happy 5005th cally! i always love to stop by here for beauty, inspiration, and your lovely spirit. xo
Hi Cally...after your encouragement i am finely leaving a comment. i didn't want to before due to the risk of me sounding like a stalker...I studied jewellery at ECA and live in Edinburgh... i've been visiting your blog for a few months...since i started writting a book(terrible distraction!) and I think i discovered you through a jewellery maker search...cant remember which one...anyway, sorry, what i wanted to say is that as someone who works on my own i really enjoy your inspirational images and the lovely way you write. I don't have a blogg as i am afraid it would take over my life! but i do have a website www.bethlegg.com if you have time to visit that would be nice..take care...I look forward to your next posting and dont worry about the spelling - i just realised i spelt finely not finally at the begining!
HI Cally, I read you via bloglines, so I guess I don't normally count as a little dot on your map. Today I will! Good to see you back to writing again, the photos are always lovely, but it's nice to hear your words too.
Happy 500th! What an accomplishment! I agree about the word verification ~ my mother nearly threw a fit about it! But, it's bad enough getting emails about Viagra (and the like) through hotmail!
I love to visit (and comment) on your blog. I have no idea where I stumbled across it ~ somewhere along my wanderings through the wonderful web of an internet.
I live in Washingon, DC, work in a museum, and long to someday to live in a quieter, more natural place like you. So for a few moments every week, I live vicariously through your blog!
Hi Cally,
since Julie strated her colour week I come to your site every week!!
I like being here!!
I'm from Northern Germany and will surely never recognize one of your grammar problems!!
I hope you feel better--sounds like it!!
Thanks also for the great paper-links from your last post!
Waving greetings!
Congrats on your 500th post.
I can't remember how I found you, I think I was looking for jewellery blogs and someone linked to you. I stayed because I like the pictures, the links and your outlook on life.
Anyway, I'm a sculptor and curator and I'm also currently doing a part time course in silversmithing, which I'm really enjoying. I live in Bristol but I'm from Scotland - my parents live in the Borders, just 16 miles south of Edinburgh.
Thanks for the comments on my blog btw, I've been meaning to reply but haven't managed it yet.
Hey Cally, another de-lurker. Happy 500th to you and belated happy b-day to Mr. P. I've been reading your blog for quite some time. I don't even remember how I first came across you. I got hooked once I realised you were in Edinburgh (I'm a Scot decamped to England) and I just love your pictures. Thank you for so often brightening my day. I'm afraid my blog's not nearly as pretty, or interesting, as yours, but you can find me here: www.pootlecatshome.blogspot.com
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