Happy cheery little weed. Everything is bursting out at a frightening rate. Frightening, mainly, because I've kind of missed it happening. But things are about to change again. Not sure how my neuralgia will handle it but... L has chosen a new dog!!!
Her name is Tia, a 5yr old black Lab who's owner got ill. So far she seems like a dream compared to Marley, none of that dominant puppish energy that was so hard for L to deal with. In fact, she's a bit overweight from lack of excersice in recent months so she plods around a bit, no sign that she'll run into the road after rabbits, or anything that blows.

She seems happy with a gentle walk, which is lucky since I literally couldn't handle anything faster than a granny jkust now. But jmust knowing there will be a dog in my life again is making me feel better mentally, which should have a knock on effect physically. Let's hope it happens soon as in this warm weather I'd really love to take her for country walks like these feilds at the back of my parents house...

We have her this week as a try before you buy. It's a bit of a spanner in the works as I had so much work planned over this weekend, and this week, and now it's all going to have to slide a bit to accomodate the new visitor - but I think she is well worth it. L is back at work this morning so it's just me to be with her while she settles in. When I went round to get her this morning she hadn't chewed anything, a very good sign. And she was so soppy and happy to see me. Ah, can you feel the love? :0)
So if I'm a bit tardy with posts, replies etc. (well, more than usual), you'll know why.
I have a form of neuralgia too, from having eight back surgeries that caused permanent nerve damage in my back and legs. Pets help so much to cheer you up! Walking is great too, good luck on your new addition! Some days are harder than others.....the doggy is so cute and looks gentle!
I'm very happy for you, Cally!
I'm so glad you have a new dog in your life, hope she'll cheer you up and get you out into the beautiful fields behind your parents' house. Love the first photo, they are too lovely to be weeds :)
I have been having a lovely time tonight reading your blog - I am going to save some for later - it has been really interesting to read about your life and inspiration - and to find so many connections. I had a similar experience recently with another artist called Shelly Wyn-De-Bank, we met in real life at an exhibition and bonded instantly and found lots of connections in our work (including Little Otik), it was so uncanny and then it turned out we have the same birthday (10 years apart) ! Good luck with your new family member. Love from Mandy xx
fingers crossed tia works out... she looks adorable!
Hi Cally
thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, and I'm particularly pleased that you understood my "wierd things" (I found them awfully difficult to compile). You have lovely things on your blog, and you appear to live in the most glorious surroundings!
Thanks again for the visit
your lovely green hills cheer me to no end my dear! as well, that doggy looks like a keeper. i do hope he works out! sending healing thoughts-
what a cute dog!! i am sure she will bring so much joy into your life... hope that the week with her works out well! and that field photo... beautiful... what a lovely spot for a walk.
Oh Cally, Tia is so pretty! I'm glad you have a new dog. Animal friends add so much life to life. I hope you will be feeling better soon.
Tia looks like a great dog and the walking location af whatver speed you can manage looks beautiful - Scotland is just so green!
Cally this sounds wonderful - i hope it all works out ok. Tia look like a great friend and those hills look very tempting!!
Glad your out and about xx
what a lovely serene view of your parents backyard. Scotland is looking beautiful these days..it's one place on my list of places to see. I'm happy to find your blog and will check back often!
Hello Tia... what a glossy, black furred, honey you are!
Enjoy your new home.
g xo
that weed, it's called Creeping Charlie.. very invasive, very difficult to get rid of, spreads like wild fire.
I LOVE the photo of the fields. Just so gorgeous. I rarely draw from photos but I would LOVE to give this one a go. It's a litle snap of why I love the UK.
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