Well, I went with my urge and posted on Sew Green about my plan for a green driveway from old ski slope. Oh, I really hope I can get some, but maybe they have it all earmarked now that they have started to use it on the paths. Fingers crossed.
I'm super excited about it but incredibly frustrated as I need Mr P and his car to get the stuff as it's bulky and heavy, but that is part of what is so good about it. No chance of it sliding away in the rain as it came from this steep slope...

Hmm, I guess I'll need his help getting up the concrete too, but I've clocked up 5 years of credit from cutting his hedge, DIY in his house, general garden maintenance and of course, practically being his PA as he is not good at keeping in touch with folk and organising himself. But it depends on him having free time, which is pretty rare.
Look, the daffodils beside the home delivery van of my favourite shop...

Can I just say I LOVE BLOGGING. I'm still pretty much bed-bound with this neuralgia, but at least in my good moments I can still be green by doing my posts, I really love that, it really is distracting me from my sickness* some of the time, though it's thanks to Mr P and his laptop as I haven't been able to sit at my own computer for weeks. Yey Mr P. Yey iBook. Yey broadband.
*Liz R, I really think you should start a blog for doing on days when you can work on your laptop. Your wit, interior taste and crafty pursuits would be great all in one place, I'd visit and I know others would too x.
I should be getting my veg box today from Riverford, can't wait! Too bad I won't be at home to receive it.
hi ther nut brown hare!
thanks for stopping by, enjoy your veg when you get home :0)
Good luck with your green driveway...
so sorry you are still in bed - so glad youre here :) xxx
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