Are you green and creative? Why not have a go at the Inhabitat T-shirt design contest. They talked about it here today after yesterdays post on Organic T-shirts by T.S.Designs.
I love Inhabitat so much, they have been such a huge inspiration to me through the ongoing refurb of my mobile home. Did you see this recent post they did about the possible greening of the gherkin in London? Given that I love pod shapes I ought to like that building, but I don't. Or rather, I didn't, until I saw the rendered image of it with plants growing around and on top. Much nicer.
I've been working out ways to use waste plastic bottles, the big kind that water and things come in, and one of my experiments is in using them to create a green living wall to cloth part of my house with. Nothing to show yet, I don't have enough bottles yet, but I think it could be quite effective.
Also shown last month were nifty little mini wind turbines (seriously, they are tiny tiny tiny), which I thought would be ideal for powering a greenhouse heater to extend the growing season in cooler weather). Not that I have a greenhouse yet, but I will in the future.
I was also immediately drawn to the article about the cow poo eco flooring! I'm very 'earthy' (says Mr.P) when it comes to poo, and often pick up dried sheep and rabbit droppings to make things with. Seriously folks, they are cute, and really just little grass sculptures. And cow pats, when they are fully dried, can be really gorgeous and have amazing colours. I'm just a country girl at heart.
Did I mention the sun is shining gloriously today? And I can hear the tractor cutting the grass between the houses so there will be that lovely smell I call the smell of childhood. It's a proper spring day so I marked it with an outdoor skin brushing session this morning. I don't much like skin brushing indoors, too dusty! So when the weather is good I get out to the private corner of the garden and have a good go at restarting my lymphatic drainage system. Very invigorating I must say.
I am hysterically laughing at your lovely animal poop fetish! Oh, only you would allow such truths out in such a fantastic way!! I must looks at the cow patties more closely! In a certain part of mexico, a man makes masks with cow patties... he uses it like clay, and then paints on it when dry.... Really!
It is so lovely there where you roam......I love that you are a green bean! Please pass a bit on to me...xxo,Vanessa
Hi Vanessa
Yes, I've seen those masks (used to live in LA), the power of poop, ha ha. I also like when people build clay/poop houses, but we don't really have the weather for it here.
So now I'm having visions of you painting your fanciful ladies onto cow patties. Maybe they can be your emergency back-up for when you have kiln trouble!
Thank you for the link, Cally! Have a nice shiny day (Rom was under the rain...)
oh this soothes my soul ms cally. here today on april 5th we are looking at 7 inches of snow covering what was starting to be a little green. my flickr has the details which to an observer, not a shoveling participant, might be construed as rather lovely. thank you for making me laugh with your poo stories this a.m. back to the plow here...
p.s. growing up in vermont we used to pick up the dried cowpies and fling them like frisbees. sort of like a caber poo toss!
you are so funny with the poop :) in india i always love to look at the towers of cow dung that are so carefully arranged... it is used for fuel and works very well!
I did have beautiful sin that day :0)
I must confess I'm jealous of your snow, we never got a single day with enough to make a snowman. But I know you've had more than enough and deserve some Spring sunshine.
Wow, I've seent hat in books, I'd wet my pants with excitement if I came across a dung pile in real life. I've used dried ones near the sea when making beach fires, they are so great... and no smell.
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