Achillea 'Red Velvet' (twice), Cornflower 'Double Black', Viola 'Rose', Mimulus 'White Flame, Aster chinensis Matsumoto Crimson

Viola (possibly 'Red blotch') with Heuchera 'Purple Palace', Pelargonium 'Lord Bute', Sanguisorba officinalis 'Red Thunder', Osteospermum 'Sunny Sheila'

Clematis Purpurea 'Plena Elegans', Knautia macedonica (twice)

Allium sphaerocephalon, Persicaria amplexicaulis 'JS Caliente' (not as red as this photo implies), Osteospermum (unknown variety grown as an annual)
Renamed my post as I realised it was the August Garden Blogger's Bloom Day and May Dreams Gardens, something I've been meaning to link into all year. There are so many things flowering just now I can't keep up with the photo's but these ones I had uploaded already and are all in flower on the 15th, looking very summery in their hot colours. I may do more posts of other colours this week.
Of course there are plenty of other colours in flower just now, Yellow stars include Rudbekia, Tagetes Orange Gem, Coreopsis, Fennel, Ragwort, Santolina. Blues come from Hyssop, Nigella, Monkshood, Clematis, Viola. Whites are everywhere making the garden glow at night mainly from the Feverfew and the various large flowered Daisies but also Clematis, Dianthus, Cosmos, Sedum, Foxglove. Purples from Verbena bonariensis & Rigida, Clematis, Osteospermum and my beloved Kale. Paler pinks from Phuopsis (which has been flowering for months and months), Brachyscome, Mallow, Hydrangea... the list for so many of these colours goes on and on.
I'm so thrilled that my new patch which is only a year old has so much thriving in it already, mostly grown from cuttings, divisions and seed or gleaned at bargain prices. I've spent less on this than the 'average' UK woman spends on clothes and make-up each month. And on that note, I was shocked to read that 85% of UK women over 50 spend £1500 on their holiday wardrobe!!! I'm stunned, I doubt I've spent that on my entire wardrobe in 10 years. Imagine how many plants you could buy. And that was a report done during a recession, goodness knows what they used to spend.
Anyway, I'm going to spend some time today doing a bit of an update on my FOLIA
garden tracking page to get photo's on for as many of this months flowering plants as possible. I invite you to take a look and maybe even start documenting your own growing activities there.
Your photographs andl flowers are stunning. I have never been fond of red unless it has a lot of blue in it, and everything you have shown has. That statisitc about women shopping for their holiday wardrobe can,t be true, otherwise the high street shops wouldn't be going out of business. I'm like you, grow from seed cuttings and passalongs. Thank goodness for our strong blogging community in Austin.
I see why you like the Lophospermum. It's just the colour for this post! I love the deep wine red and the beautiful, tubular shape of the flower. The vining leaves are lovely too. I think it would probably grow in your summer. I've seen much warmer climate on Scottish blogs than our NY summers sometimes are. This one has been unusually hot though, Reminding me of an Aussie summer.
You have some real beauties in your garden and your photos are beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello :)
Hi Cally, What a great group of photos! Red is one of my favourite colors. I think it is wonderful that you have been able to create your garden on a limited budget.
P.S. I too find that Blogger is very limiting when it comes to doing anything but a straight lineup of photos. I have given up trying to do anything fancy.
I love your berry colours and the colour is so lovely in your perfect northern light! Lovely blooms and lovely images, Christina
Beautiful plants...I have the Red Thunder and that wonderful bullet allium...they add so much to the featheriness of the garden!
Wow! Nice pics.so cute
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