And now some thank you's... in order of receiving,
Thanks to all of you for the treats that have popped through my door recently. You've no idea how much they cheered me up. Here's a very brief run through of the highlights. Personal thanks you's in post soon-ish, I promise :0) xxx
The photo's are not great cause I was starting to ebb away a bit and no oomph to persist with dodgy computer.
Old buttons, antique earrings (clip on, how'd ya know), tasty treats and choc from Janet...

See how the breath mints are half eaten already. And the Lindt chocs didn't last long enough for the camera to be found, though the wrapper will last for years cause I love the pattern on those wrappers and always ask people to save them for me.
Janet did so well picking the earrings. I am unbelievably hard to please on that sort of thing but these were so perfect and will definitely be getting used when I'm dressing up. In fact, I have a pirate themed birthday to go to on Sunday (a ferry to a an island for a picnic) so I may pop them on for that.
And naturally I can never have enough buttons. What I loved with these was that the backs were as interestnig as the fronts.
Painted plate of moi from Vegas and Venice...

I was so busy trying to capture the cat's frenzied sniffing session that I never actually got a pic of the painting on it's own - whoops! (VV has cats too so there would be interesting smells for him). It's very cute in her classic style and depics me as blemish free, wey hey!
Even more excitingly, I got MORE post from her yesterday containing a Shy Monsters colouring book!!!!!
I have been eagerly awaiting their publication but missed the moment due to the unplanned blog break. I am thrilled with it. I really love illustrated kids books, I mean really really. I'm so pleased to own this and plan to purchase further copies for friends kids cause they are so sweet. I urge anyone with kids to order one here. As well as the book there were the cutest shy monsters stickers as well.
Then came a package from my friend Kate in Norway covered in brilliant stamps, I especially loved this one...

She sent me all manner of lovely gifts including the most unusual bag/pouch which had "kitty came home" printed on it. This was so spookily appropriate because whenever I start to email her I always call her kitten, but then change it to Kate. It's weird, I have no urge to call her kitten in person, only on email.
There was lovely blue floral illustration card, a miniature book (german chemistry, my collection is now international and scientific) and a metal tub of Läkerol cactus flavour sweets. They were amazing, quite liquoricey but not so strong and with a hint of something else (cactus?). I bloomin' loved them and had one a day with MrP for a few weeks. Plus I now have a great tin to keep loose things in in my bag.

Well, that only took 4 HOURS to do! I haven't added all I wanted but I have to get ready for work soon. I'm not even going to spell check cause if there are probs I have no time to fix. You all have some lovely weekend fun, I will be working but will be doing the Pirate thing too so I should get an amusing post out of that for next week. Bye xxx
Pirate themed party! You're the only person I know who goes to/throws dress-up parties, and I love it!
I'm so pleased to know you got my package and even more pleased to know you liked it!
Great to see that you're back on your blog again! Welcome back.
hooray your back - I've missed your posts.
Oh and I love the blue shoes in previous post - where are they from?
So nice to be welcomed back, thanks ladies.
The shoes are made by a Spanish (I think) company called Wonders but they only made a short run and have no more, I was SO disappointed. They have some other nice stuff but none so cute as those summer ones.
The website is and model A.9120 is the closest they have in stock.
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