My uncle is doing much better, thanks for the well wishes. He's out of ICU and hopefully leaving High Dependency Unit soon but it's going to be a long haul for his recovery so I'll continue to be fairly quiet here with mostly photo blogging.
I saw my own Doc today, it's amazing to be taken seriously at last. He acknowledged that no-one had properly investigated any of my health problems before and immediately lined me up for blood tests (not the usual ones) and a chest x-ray to kick off the process - not exactly a fun day out but it's a huge relief to have some hope of answers.
I'm glad to hear that your uncle is doing a bit better, I'll be thinking of him. It's great that your doctor is taking your health issues seriously - it made such a huge difference to my moral when I finally got a GP who said "of course something is wrong, you definitely shouldn't be feeling like this".
Hi babe, it's me! I'm really glad to hear about your uncle too. I know what its like to be in HDU etc, as you know, so I'm thinking of him. Hooray for a doc taking you seriously at last too! I really hope he can help you to find some answers sweet. Love ya loads, Ruthy xxxx
Oh I forgot to say, just how cute you look in the photo - awwww. Tiny Cally! xxxx
This photo looks like an is so very lovely, as are you!
Again, my very best wishes...
Such an adorable photo. So glad there's some good news over your side of the pond. Take care!
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