Wednesday 30 November 2011

Webbed trees & sad Morran news

Spider webs in Pakistan (4)
Spider webs in Pakistan (1)

The flooding in Pakistan meant all the spiders headed for the trees so they were completely smothered in webs, amazing. See more of these amazing National Geographic photographs.

I feel like there is so much sad news this week. Saddest of all, because it can't be changed with time, was that Camilla Engman's lovely wee dog Morran died. It's so strange to feel so much love for a dog you have never met but Camilla's was one of the first blogs I ever followed and Morran was a big part of that, so many great photo's of her that I feel I really watched so much of her life over the last 7 years (see some of the photo's on Flickr too). Goodbye little Morran.

As a fitting artist tribute to Morran Camilla had an open invition in October for people to submit artwork featuring Morran to be considered for a book, with all profits going to charity. There have been so many wonderful entries and many of them are already posted on the Studio Morran blog. Here are a few:

Maite Ortiz

Suana Verelst

Petra Wester Norgren

Marloes de Vries
Fiona Purves
Cady Fontana
Kerstin Svendsen


Kim Carney said...

That was sad news indeed! I love the tribute.

Camilla Engman said...

Thank you Cally.

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