Monday 23 April 2007

Bit poorly

Sorry I'm not here, combination of being extremely busy and quite sick but I hope to be back in full swing soon. Until then I hope you are all well.

I'll try and get some of my draft posts out to you soon (wrote them but don't have the links put in place yet). To end on a good note, new dog Lucy is still dreamy and slept with her hot head on my crampy belly today, so eco-friendly, no need to heat a hot water bottle or wheat bag, and she stays hot for years!


Anonymous said...

My darling girl, Oh, how I feel for you!!!!Missing you tons!

julie said...

Was going to send an email looking for you! sending warm hugs, xxx
Enjoy Lucy :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Cally, hope you get well soon. So sweet that even in your times of illness you're thinking about being eco-friendly. Enjoy Lucy's company, hope she looks after you!

Anna P. said...

Hope you get feeling better...Lucy is probably very happy to be watching over you. Hope this finds you well.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Cally, so sorry to hear you aren't well. Hope you get better soon, and I think Lucy will make you feel better sooner!

Anonymous said...

Poor Cally. Please get well soon, with Lucy's help.

Susan Schwake said...

feel so much better soon dear cally! i hate to hear that you are down in the dumps!
sending hugs and warm wishes, susan xoi

christine ann haynes said...

Oh sweetie, I hope you are feeling better soon! You are in my heart! Hugs!

Anonymous said...

I miss you! Are you up for some veggies and garlic? Anything to make you feel better. Thinking of you...xxo,V

lisa solomon said...

YAY about lucy...

be well. just relax. although we will miss your posts we can also live w/out them. it is more important you FEEL BETTER!!

Anonymous said...

CALLY HURRY UP AND GET WELL!!! Hugs to you, and lots of sunny California snuzzles... (ask Lucy, she'll know...!)

Cally said...

Thank you ALL for your well wishes!
I hate being away from the blog, but be assured I'm looking after myself fairly well and Lucy and Mr P's cat make the days pass with some very lovely cuddley moments in them.

Sorry I'm not able to chat to you all in person/by email just now. I miss you lot loads! Goodness only knows what you are all getting up to and I don't know, hope it's all good.

amisha said...

dearest cally... sending thoughts and hugs your way... so glad you have lucy there to keep you warm! take care of yourself and hope you are having lots of rest. xxoo

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