Thursday 27 March 2008

People have been busy

Heather Smith Jones: Work in her New Etsy Shop

I'm only just beginning to catch up on what my blogging friends have been up to while I was away... needless to say many of you have been very busy. It'll take me ages to visit you all, I'm still having minimal computer time but so far it's become clear that Lisa was installing,
Vanessa was writing words of wisdom, Gracia was, Heather was opening a NEW shop, Bibbi was experiencing winter but expressing spring, Camilla and Karin have been bearing the fruits of their collaboration...

Camilla Engman and Karin Eriksson collaboration 2008

There has been lots more happening but the computer is being seriously weird just now so I'm shutting it down for the day, I'm hoping it just needs a break after all the photo's I made it deal with.


heather smith jones said...

that is all lovely work!
We're glad you're home Cally and enjoying your pictures.
thank you!

Camilla Engman said...

I'm a little late, but of course!

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