Tuesday, 22 April 2008

These people mean business...

One of a multitude of signs they had on this small parking area.

I'd love to write these around my garden where the kids keep breaking through and killing my plants. Instead of writing 'you will be towed!' I'd like to write 'You will be eaten!'. And maybe have some monstrous teeth drawn top and bottom of the sign :0)


Anonymous said...

He he, I love the idea of 'you will be eaten'! That's going to keep me smiling all day.

mansuetude said...

DO IT. make a wooden sign. hang it up! it will stay in their imaginations FORever... be a gift to them in the future. :)

Emily said...

You'll be eaten!
I love that idea.
How fun to make a sign something people would laugh at rather than be upset by.
nice idea.

Esti said...

I look forward to see your sign! It'll be great!

Summer Nicklasson said...

mansuetude is right. that is one of those childhood memories that could haunt you for years...of course you run the risk of being deemed the scary garden lady!

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