Saturday, 17 May 2008

Melted cat

On that really hot day (7th May) the cat, who had been rolling around baking in the dust outside, came in looking dazed and melted onto the bed in the shade. He was more asleep than I have ever known and didn't wake or even move his ears as I spent 20 minutes crawling around him taking photo's. He stayed like that, without moving for at least 1 hour. Hot happy cat.

The weather turned colder this week and today it's raining, but as always, I'm happy for the plants that will enjoy the water. I'm wondering how many of you are gardeners? I love how even a few pots or a window box with the right plants can bring as much pleasure as a large garden. I've still never found anyone willing to break up the vast areas of poured concrete in my garden so a lot of my plants have been surviving in pots, or carrier bags (now disintegrating) for 5 years. The hostas seem best adapted to bag life and never fail to perform, in spite of mass attack from slugs. What pests do you wrestle with? I know many of you live outside the UK so your pests could be very very different from mine.


jill said...

I love gardening!!! I'm really into herbs lately and things that can be tasted, smelled and are otherwise functional. Lemon balm is my latest favorite. More fun for the kids, too if they can taste what's growing. Peppermint, chives, sage, thyme, oregano....oh and catmint always looks beautiful, for your sleepy kitty! (love the shot with the paw in the foreground)

The biggest nemesis to my garden is me remembering to water!

Ursula Achten said...

my garden is so small...that I'm able to manage it, ;). But this year we sat a blackberry, so lets see where this will leed me!
Pests? Some lice at the moment and some strange animal I don't manage to see but which is munching my fragile little sunflowers, grrrr.
I've got mint too which is walking all over the garden throughout the years!

Do you know that you're a superbe photographer???

Katherine said...


I had to say that your cat reminds me of my own big Buster (he's not doing great just now, so well wishes for him). I've been snooping around your blog & am enjoying your snapshots of life. I hope your health improves. I've become an admirer of Scotland since starting to date one of your own countrymen a year ago (that's not doing great just now either, but that's another story).

Anyway, I'm new to the whole blogging community, so I just wanted to say HI and I have to agree with Uschi--you take very beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing it.

Stardust said...

What a lovely cat, and great photos, as usual!

I've been crawling in my garden too - trying to find something to shoot with my camera. So far found only Ground Ivy, which likes living here. Other plants & flowers have disappeared since I came the gardener?? So like Jill said, I guess sadly I'm the biggest nemesis here, too!

But I'm really trying to improve..just planted another set of Sweet Peas!If you have time, check my blog to see them both. Wishing you a good week!

Amanda said...

Hi Cally,
I'm just catching up on reading old posts that I missed while away on my trip. In London we stayed at North Ealing and caught the tube from there. I laughed out loud when I noticed the plants at the station had been planted straight into bags of potting mix! About 4 or 5 holes a few inches in diameter had been torn in the plastic bags, and the plants shoved was working a treat too! Sounds like a great way for tired (or lazy) people to garden.

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