Wednesday 30 January 2008

Curvy white buildings - 1

Student entry from the 2004 Snow Show found here

Anish Kapoor: When I am Pregnant, 1992
and Sister piece of When I am Pregnant, 2005
via Studio International

Michael De Broin: Hole, 2002 (this is the back of a caravan)


marie-louise said...

I like your white things and which a beautiful snowhouse! In the north of Sweden we have a big industry is during the winter with ice sculptures and a icehotel. It´s very special with the tranceparanse.
Hope you feel better and that you can understand my bad English.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you back! :)

Andrea Tachezy said...

Hurray! Cally is here with us!!I love Anish Kapoor works very much! They are so simple and clever.
Mary - Louise - welcome to the " Bed English Club" but I think your English is much better then mine :-)

Cally said...

Hi Marie Louise,
Your English is good. Your ice hotel is good too, I have visited (January 2006) and totally loved it, my friend was married in the Ice Chapel - so beautiful! Your whole country is full of beauty, I love Sweden!

Miss Milki
Only back a little, but hopefully more soon

Indeed, simple beauty, it is such a powerful thing.

mansuetude said...

this is lovely--
i love(d) to build snow houses out of ice the snow plow would make as a girl!!! I would love one now--

Cally welcome back! I too like Anish ...a friend once wrote down a list of scultural artist i would like, and Anish was the top of list.

English is looking good !!! I feel guilty for only knowing my language and a bit of Spanish, Latin... am going to work on some words in other languages! We could start a blog language school together.

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