Details from architecture in Stockholm, January 2006. I am equally drawn to simple and to ornate. Poor Mr P, we literally couldn't walk 10 feet without me going "oh, oh, can we stop, hold this [piling bags, lunch, maps into his arms] I have to take a picture".
Hi Cally,
I've just stumbled across your article from July 07 (2007) and wanted to say how much I like your mermaids purse in copper. I wondered if you might like to look at the work I do, as I've recently returned to coppersmithing: (www.coppersmithing.co.uk)
I hope you don't mind me posting a comment. I'm completely new to all this blogging!
Kind regards
Thanks for commenting and leaving that link. I've just popped over for a peak, love the October Hedgerow bowl in particular as I'm a big fan of polished or burnished areas against rich oxidised patina. Makes me want to make again, but I think my copper days are long gone.
Your 'Portal' and 'Fruit' pieces take me back to my obsessive belly related work. not sure if I've shown much of the copper side of that on the blog, there may be a few of my pregnant and empty bellied woman brooches on my flickr pages. Not sure.
Anyway, it's great to see someone with true skill (i was always a bit rough and ready) making a name for themselves with copper in it's widest range of colour.
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