Wednesday 3 May 2006

Decor8 goodies

Ceramics by Greener Grass Design
Found Via Decor8

Yesterday was so sunny, and even kind of mild but OH the wind. I tried, honestly I tried to do a bit of clearing up in the garden to round off all my good work recently, but it was so windy everything kept blowing over or blowing away or worse, blowing into my veg (and by veg I mean 1cm high oriental salad seedlings and 2mm thick spring onions).

So I decided to read blogs. I've missed out on so much reading because I've been off on wild linking frenzies, as you may have noticed. So I began reading, and it was great, though I did feel I was skimming a bit to cram in everyone's recent weeks of activity and creativity. And then I read Lisa's post about being productive. It inspired me to STOP reading and go round sorting things in the house, which I did... for a while.

But it was all pretty difficult stuff, I can hardly move in this place for bits of wall lying on every surface, and pretty soon I decided to have a nice salad with fresh garden chives and the only place to sit is by the computer. Clearly fate wanted me to read more. And who am I to argue with fate.

So I have been enjoying Decor8 which I missed while Holly was offline briefly. She posts an immense amount and I can't keep up but I clocked this one cause it's in the UK, a fab blog I hadn't come across called Print + Pattern which is positively heaving with all kinds of great patterns, very much my kind of thing so I'll be visiting regularly.

Was going to post lots more of Holly's great finds but it's simpler for you to just visit her great blog and see for yourself. Things like Greener Grass Design (photo and link at top of post) where ceramacist Anne Black makes watery hued tealight holders and so much more.

Today, well today is a different day, gentle breeze and it's warm! So I'm off to do a bit of a garden makeover with my friend in exchange for her reflexology skills, a great swap. She started her refloxology training in Feb and I was one of her practice people. We were both amazed at how much difference she made to my cramps (I have Endometriosis) so she's been giving me top up treatments ever since. Honestly, her fingers were born to do that work, she's a natural.


Anonymous said...

Lovely ceramics! I love the pale colours!

Interesting about the reflexology (I also have Endo). Reflexolgy helped me get rid of a sciatica problem I had a few years ago. Clearly an underestimated treatment method!

Cally said...

Hi Nordic B,
It is a fab treatment isn't it. I love that she can tell immediately if I've eaten any dairy (which I'm meant to avoid). I wriggle like mad when she does the area that is to do with the fallopian tubes but ithas really reduced my cramps a lot. Funny to think you have Endo too, though so many do.

The biggest improvement to my Endo was 9 years ago when I cut out wheat, dairy, alcohol, salt etc. Prior to that I would be incapacited for weeks but now I'm just grumpy for a week and sore for a few days (except when I eat bread, cheese etc). And it made me realise which foods I was actually allergic to/intolerant of so my overall health improved.

Anonymous said...

I hear that cutting out those things from one's diet helps a lot of women suffering from Endo. I haven't really made a huge effort with my diet but feel better when I eat well (cut out the white stuff like white bread, pasta, rice, etc. and subsitute them with wholegrains and fibers). But in general, as for most Endo girls, the condition varies from time to time.

Good luck with your Endo and the reflexology!

angela said...

oh my god are those beautiful.

i have my love of porcellain and ceramics, and i do believe these must become a part of that love!

oh sweetness. sweetness. sweetness.

[how do i fight the constant battle of "i want and i must and i need"?]


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