Tuesday 5 June 2007

Pictures not words - green garden


Anonymous said...

gorgeous...hugs xxx

Anonymous said...

The greens against the pastel blue sky is just beautiful!

Marjojo said...

Cally, I want your hair! I'd love to crochet with some real hair for a change, but mine is really short. Thanks for your message and feedback and good wishes, it's nice to know people find and like my blog. Love yours too, all those beautiful photos of sea creatures and strangely shaped plants, and of course delighted to find Anna Peach's work, had not known about her. Too tired still to read, but getting lots of joy from looking at pix.
Would of course love you to feature some of my work on your blog. Will make a link to yours fro mine too. Energy still not in great supply, but at least I can sit and look at things again. Lovely to 'meet' you, this blogging thing still blows my mind.
Be well, marjojo

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