Monday 4 June 2007

World Environment Day

It's World Environment Day today.
I'll be marking the occasion by finally potting on my 1 courgette plant. 1, I know it's crazy, but I got a bit consumed by my veg last year, clearly the opposite of what ought to be happening. So this year I'm doing less of certain vegetables, but doing it properly instead of chasing my tail trying to keep everything growing. One courgette plant can produce a lot of courgettes so it's not like I'll be running short.

In lieu of the big green post I had planned (too tired today), here are some natural looking lovelies that caught my attention at the weekend. First up the
Green Lotus Leaf collection Chintz & Company...

A lot of us are used to being creative with Kraft paper, but Molo Design have taken it to a higher level with their beautiful Paper Soft seating...


lisa solomon said...

happy W.E.D to you!

that seating is amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I love the Lotus Leaf collection, it's beautiful! Happy planting.

Susan Schwake said...

so beautiful cally... that leaf collection is inspiring... as is that seat in the woods. i could take a napp there very easily.

Anonymous said...

Hi Cally, the picture of the leaves is beautiful and i love the idea of the seating!!!

Marraine said...

This green lotus leaf collection is wonderful! I dreamed also from the leaf plates collection from Christian Tortu, but he doesn't make them anymore as I like them before...

giuseppe said...

Beautiful paper posts you have here :) I love this seating furniture. I think I saw it on tv. It's amazing how paper can be so fragile and strong at the same time.
My teacher is Finnish and she showed us some fabric made from paper a few days ago. There was one that was a piece from a rug! It was quite soft and totally wearable, and she mentioned to us her mother throws it into the washing machine when it gets dirty! And it comes out all intact.

Cally said...

i've always wondered about washing them, the woven ones i have are fragilke and wouldn't survive, but i think the knitted ones would be ok if i loosely tacked them in between some nylon to prevent the pieces rubbing against each other too much. one is 16yr old and very dusty so i may experiment with just a gentle dip in the sink to build my confidence...scary.

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