Thursday 14 June 2007

Other people's hands

The mystery hand held the peony while I took a photo. Not really a mystery,it belongs to Mr P.

My friend rescued this little fellow from the jaws of death, her cat was serious unimpressed. Don't know how he will fare now that he's been handled by a human,


Susan Schwake said...

it's all peony power here right now...
but that little bird is as sweet as can be. darn old cats!

Marjojo said...

Hi Cally,
Finally getting to your message, but I guess you of all people understand about always prioritising activities and always metaphorically (as physically impossible) running behind all those things to do. So thanks for your lovely comments and you're right, this blogging thing is a kind of life-line, virtual but real-feeling tentacles out into the world, in terms of sharing some of my artwork and thoughts, but also in terms of discovering other people's - it's brilliant and if not quite as good as getting to a real show at least the physical aftermath is not as pronounced. ME sucks, but life still has a lot to offer and artwork can be made in bed or lying on the floor or hanging in a chair for a bit. Most of what I've done since I've fallen ill has been made lying down. That's how I've discovered working with paper, first of all tissue paper, what could be lighter, and now crocheting. I used to be a video-artist and saw myself making space-filling video-installations and now I'm doing sometimes tiny work. Not always happy with it, but some of it is actually quite good and the only thing that counts is that I'm making work, in slow motion, yes, but I'm an artist. An artist! That's what the bloody ME can't do away with, even if it sometimes muffles the urge to create, it's never extinguished. Phew. Hooray. Yippieh.
Wellness and happiness to you too, there's nothing wrong with being a hippy, to the contrary. Peony power to all (I think they are the most beautiful flowers, the way their buds are a perfect tight ball and then they open into this abundance of loose leaves...). Summer greetings! Marion x

Anonymous said...

Aww..what a sweet bird.

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