Sunday 30 April 2006

Flickr Packaging Group

I just checked, ther is a Flickr group for packaging. No time to go through it just now but I will try on Monday evening or Tuesday afternoon when I get back on the. I bet it's stuffed with good things. Till then I will leave you with my Chinese Radish seeds tin (from Habitat years ago).



I can see some Thai characters there. Is this from Habitat in UK or Thailand?

Anastasia said...

thats a cool flikr group link!
first thing I do when I visit a new country is head for the nearest pharmacy and supermarket!
I love seeing whats out there in terms of packagaing and product!

Cally said...

Me too, I run round the supermarkets trying to take pictures but somehow they are always blurred. I just don't have the guts to set up a tripod in the canned goods aisle!

Cally said...

Imelda, it's from Habitat UK.

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