Monday 3 April 2006

My old work - Sea theme

I had a mammoth post prepared with lots of luscious links and images of other peoples work and good thing after my catch up session today. I was just about to post it just now when Firefox quit on me! I lost it all.

I can't bear to do that post again so instead I have taken some digital photos of actual photo's of old work (on account of I can't get to my backup CD's for a few months). Excuse the low quality on many of them. I've gone with a 'Sea' theme for this particular blast from the past.

I kick off with a really old piece of mine from the mid 80's when I was a teenager and thought by the time I was 35 I'd would live in a big (bricks and mortar) house with a lovely husband, 2 kids, several cats, dogs, rabbits and be poor but happy and making things (kind of have that last bit).

I've always loved pattern and colour and collage and FISH. Though I must confess, I cringe to look at this now, the colours were 'of the time' as it was for my mum, not really very me, especially the shape of the fish. I favour a longer thinner fish these days like the one on my blue etching underneath.

Collage mid 80's

Blue fish etching 1990

Collage detail 1991

Paper experiments with ink and batik 1991

Textile repeat from beach plastic mid 90's

Graphic design with seaweed mid 90's


Later I'll add photo's of my work based on seeds, pods, whales, animals, insects etc. And speaking of insects Swissmiss (found thru Paola) posted a great insect close-up buy Igor Siwanowicz and he has a site with lots of them on it, they are really good close-ups of interesting and exotic bugs, the detail is amazing.


lisa solomon said...

it is nice to see your work! long long ago i did some monoprints w/ fishes... one still hangs above my parent's fireplace....

i LOVE the seaweed!

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, you are such a TEASE....

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