Thursday 1 February 2007

Blogger gone crazy

I make piles of stones wherever I go.

Scary. My blog was GONE today. Than it came back, but lots of posts missing. Then gone, then back with some posts duplicated. Apologies, they made me switch to new blogger, I couldn't post anymore if I didn't agree.
I hope it will be normal soon, and I will keep posting in hopes that someone can see it.
Till then Camilla posted this about TODAY...

The 1st of February 2007: Please mark your calendar: People are Participating in the biggest mobilization of Citizens Against Global Warming The Alliance for the Planet [a group of environmental associations] is calling on all citizens to create 5 minutes of electrical rest for the planet.

They are asking that people all over the world turn off their lights and electrical appliances on the first of February 2007,

between 10.55am and 11:00am in Vancouver and on the Pacific Coast of North America,

1.55 pm in New York,

1.55pm in Ottawa,

18.55 for London (and i guess UK)

19.55 for Paris, Bruxelles, and Italy


Anonymous said...

I wish I had known about the electricity rest! As for your blog, I couldn't get on most of blogpot sites this morning so I imagine you weren't the only one suffering from blog annihilation.

Marraine said...

I had the same problem on that day... not easy!
And about this electric thema (do you say thema in english?...) they said in France we were 1% to play this game, just like the electric need of a big french town... I talked about it, but I totally forgot to do it, I was cooking!

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