Friday 2 February 2007

Decisions decisions, what road should I take?

Can I get my house at least semi workable so that I can work from home. Can I handle the stresses and strains of self employment again, except this time without even having someone do it with me that understands tax forms. I'm not the best at such things, I know it's all just numbers and common sense, but it beffuddles my creative mind and stops me from doing the making type of work.

But then the making, so much pleasure to be had. I've been looking through my textiles, my lighting, my collages, my not-yet-made-but-been-saving-the-bits-for-three-years wall works and more sculptural pieces, my ceramics, my glass, my mixed media, my prints. Then there are the old favourites that are more suitable for posting- jewellery, cards, wedding invitations etc. Am I ready to do it all again? A lot of brain whirring and creaking going on round here just now.


lisa solomon said...

it will come.... :)

love that follow diversions !!

Anonymous said...

Well now you have so much more knowledge and experience that I think you could try it again and see what happens. I would love to see what you end up doing. Plus you have your wonderful friend Marley and having a sweet pup around while you are working would be so nice.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Cally said...

Hi Lisa and Alyssa,
I was really getting myself in a good frame of mind to just do it, then I went to the local business start-up website and OH MAN that is an offputting place. But then these things are never made with creative types in mind, so I must try and get my head round it. Re. Marley, not sure if I trust him in my sewing room! ;0)

kayla said...

Cally, Thanks for all the comments over on my blog. I always feel so impressed by others--that they can produce so much so often. And you see so many great things daily to photograph! I do wish I spent more time being creative, but you make me feel like I'm doing OK!
Hope the decision-making goes well. Definitely keep an eye on Marley in the sewing room. My dog, Kobe, ate a pin cushion once. An x-ray showed us that he had spit all the pins out, though!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, which led me over here. Great photos.

Anonymous said...

how exciting! i am thinking of doing the same although i will be selling other people´s stuff or something i don´t know. it is scary but i think it´s great to go for it!

Anonymous said...

Yes. Take a deep breath and think very happy thoughts, then Jump...

Anonymous said...

You can do it... And then I'll sell it...


Cally said...

Oh Paola, You'll make me blush, you are too kind. But hey, if I make anything that seems right for mirror mirror I'll let you know.

May do those necklaces like the one you liked in summer, as I still have all the fabricy bits in one of my many many many tubs of 'things'. Just need to aquire more beads (I use old ones mainly but can't trust myself in the 2nd hand shops these days).

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