Wednesday 21 February 2007

Blogiversary blue - gaelic

Another image that I took to use in my graphics years ago, it's been nice unearthing some of these.
Today has turned out to be not as I planned so no big blue posts, just this little ditty for now.

I'm off to make some spicy veg and quinoa soup for my friend who's having a rough time. And after today, I could do with some soup myself, it's been quite chilly and poor Marley was not happy that we didn't romp in the fields. He likes me when I have more energy to indulge his bouncy-ness. He's very bouncey.

If I can get on Mr P's laptop I can post some more later, we'll see. But for now, carrots to chop, with Julie London and Norah Jones in the background.

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