Here's one of my fave Scottish wrappers for Tunnock's Teacakes, they are so graphic and I use them on cards a lot. I have saved up enough for a large wall panel but never quite got round to making it. Here's what they look like when they are flattened out (excuse bad colour on my photo's)...

I love packaging, especially Scandinavian and Eastern. So I wondered, would people be interested in a packaging swap? Used packaging that would otherwise go to a landfill could be such a treat for someone in another country, either to just enjoy for it's design or to use in collage etc. The things I think of as dull and everyday might be a treasure to somebody else.
When I was in Sweden I was permanently scanning the ground for people's old packets but of course it's Sweden, not the UK, so no-one threw their rubbish on the ground and I came home empty handed. I really loved the packaging for flour and salt but I wasn't going to buy bags and carry them all round Stockholm and then back to Scotland. But people must be throwing these things out. I love Scandinavian packaging and Eastern packaging. What do you think?
People could post photo's of the packaging that they have a regular supply of and then just contact each other about swaps (see me delegating responsibility to the individuals already, I've no time to be a co-ordinator but I love the idea of it happening). Of course there is nothing to stop anyone sending the items with the products inside, it's just that I personally can't afford to.
I should check Flickr to see if there's a packaging group, and if not I could start one, esp. for those rarer beauties or vintage things we couldn't part with.
I love love love packaging, I will swap that with you if you want! When I lived over in england I use to collect some of the packaging to show my friend Val who is studying package design. I wanted her to see how awesome some stuff can be over seas.
Ooh this sounds like fun! I am going to have to start looking for interesting packaging too!
Love the idea! Especially considering I spend many hours a week designing packaging (nothing decent I assure you!!) Ill hunt some stuff down, but i think its a flickr group inthe making.....
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