It seems that whenever I am having a low blog reading week everyone goes off and has birthdays! Happy birthday to all of you who I have missed this week. I slept all day again today after work so only did 5 mins reading. Hopefully I'll post properly tomorrow, especially as I've been tagged by Crafty Bird.
And so my request, when is YOUR birthday? Please do let me know on the comments section of this post, particularly if it is about to happen or is in MAY.
And on the subject of Birthdays this is one of my favourite BLOOM cards from Artecnica, it's so bright and colourful and really reminds me of LA. I've still not seen them here in Scotland but then I don't 'do' the shops much these days. This one, Happy Birthday No.6 is the one I like best though No.7 is a nice shade of green. I LOVE pop up cards.
My birthday is the 17th of June, this year Ill be the big 30. Woohoo.
I love these cards, and we do get them here in Melbourne. I too love pop up cards, and hope one day to make some... one day! My birthday is the 1st of August. The horses birthday apparently.
My birthday is the 1st of August too!
How wild? I only know one other with our birthday...
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