It's a while since I posted any Bettina Speckner.
This one is via Galerie Hélène Porée* in Paris and I hadn't noticed it before. This one is still one of my favourites. *Delphine, thanks for letting me know where the accents go :0) You are so lucky to have this wonderful galerie to visit, they clearly have a wonderful wide range of shows.
Are you wondering why so much jewellery? Well, a couple of folk emailed to ask why so little jewellery recently, so I'm having a top up, mainly people I've blogged before, or intended to blog, but hopefully some new finds will come as well. I'm also working on a post about my own jewellery background, but it may take time as I can't find my photo's (real ones, not digital). I say jewellery background, but we are talking objects and mine sculpture for the most part. You'll not see any earrings from me.
Oh JOY, the sun is shining, so I will hang out my washing to dry. I love a clothesline on a sunny day. A blessing, this sun, because on Sunday the weather people said it would rain Wed-Fri. I'm madly trying to get Mr P's house ready for an exciting visitor in less than two weeks. Never enough time but a sunny day can make a big difference. Time to throw open the windows and do some freshening up.
Cally, this is marvellous!
I love Bettina Speckner's work, she's one of my favourite jewellers.
I read somewhere that Galerie Helene Poree (don't know how to put accents in a comment!) was going to stop showing jewellery...I can't remember where I heard this but I hope it's not true, there are so many great images on their site.
Finally, my friend has broadband so I can put you on next!
That would be terrible, they have such a great selection. And poor Delphine loves to go there.
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