I saw these Camper shoes in town around Christmas-time, anyone know if they are on sale now? I don't want the black leather ones, only interested in the brown, and only if very very on sale. Really need something for summer after not finding any last year.
Our phone's are down here, so this is my 1st attempt at using a mobile phone to hook up, pricey and slow but I wanted to thank folk for comments, even though I can't actually see my blog (gosh, I'm making an assumption there are some comments).
** I forgot to say, for people who like stranger more unique shooes have a look at the Virtual Shoe Museum, I especially liked this, not to wear, but as art. Hell, I can't even handle a 1 inch heel.**
I inserted Cally Creates in _a blog list_ preferred blogs directory that i published in my cool hunting blog (http://www.elmanco.com).
I made a selection of blogs for creative people looking for inspirations about graphic and industrial design, fashion, technology, advertising and new trends.
A .PDF version of the list is available for free here: http://www.box.net/public/vuulal0bhz
You can see the directory page at this link: http://club.giovani.it/elmanco/item/a-blog-list-100234
I hope _a blog list_ can be useful for you, if it so share it with friends and collegues or on your blog!
Wow, thank you so much! I've been to your site a few times, always good things there. I feel honoured.
Wow, I would love to find these shoes, in Seattle. Shout out if you find them!
I adore your blog, by the way. Such beauty.
I'm a sucker for mary-Janes and these are devine. Love that green chair too! I'll order one of each thanks.
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