Camilla wants this bed by Shawn Lovell, and who could blame her, it's incredible. I always wanted an 'in the forest' type bed as a child after reading 'Where The Wild Things Are' with those wonderful illustrations by Maurice Sendak, and particularly the one where a forest grows out of his bed. Every child (or adult) should have a copy of that book.

Also by Shawn a very nice Tree of Life Votive Holder that has animal heads at the end of the branches which the votives sit behind.
oooohhhh i want that bed too! so beautiful!!
the bed is beautiful! the book is a staple read in this house ... at least once or twice a year it seems! it also spurred on our monstermaking process at the studio with the children. love the monsters in that book.
thanks for coming by cally... so nice to hear from you!
loving these past posts!
oh this bed is a dream. an honest dream!
thanks for the sweetness of a comment. was so good to hear from you and i need to spend some time getting caught up as well.
the move really has me fretting about how and when to get things done. it's just been so busy with work. and then i awe you all the more for all the projects and ideas that you set into motion. create. inspire. oh sweet sigh...
hope things are good!
That bed is wild and cool! Oh yes, you've caught me right at the beginning -- hope I don't bore you too fast! Thank you for all of your sweet comments, really. Glad to have "met" you.
Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to be able to view the Maurice Sendak exhibit at the Jewish Museum in NYC. For me, as an illustrator, it was utterly life changing. I had always been a tremendous fan of his work, but i had not realized how incredibly personal his work is. It is enbroidered everywhere with tiny details of his own life. For example, The Wild Things was inspired by his Yiddish, Eastern European relatives who frightened him as a child, so loud and boisterous, monsterous, consuming (it seemed to him) everything in sight.
"Moishe" (one of the Wild Things) is Sendak's Yiddish name, "Bernard" is his middle name. The tiny flour sacks from The Night Bakery detail the life and death of his beloved dog, Jennie (in whose memory he wrote "Higgelty Pigglety Pop")... and a thousand other examples. I found it completely fascinating.
Which reminds me... I really should write a post about that experience. I've been meaning to for over two years now! Anyway... I'm just glad you love it too.
xo Melanie ( http://melaniefordwilson.com/blog )
Got this book in French "Max et les maximonstres".
It is a really beautiful one, very imaginative, my son love it.
I can really picture that ben fitting in with the image I have of your world and your things.
What fantastic fun for the kids, all children should have the chance to love monsters and not just be afraid of them.
It's good that you go into this new part of your life with spring and summer ahead to lift your spirits on the days when it seems like the work is too much.
I'm so pleased to have met you too, virtually. It's nice to be at the begginning of someone's blog instead of trying to play catch up.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience, definitely would be good to read about it on your blog. I saw something on TV that may have been about the exhibition because I recognise some of what you have said here. A very interesting man and history.
Thanks for your comment. How wonderful to the book written in French, it's such a beautiful language. I do like to have favourite books and films in French :0)
Wonderful comparisons, beautiful bed! Emery & Cie (http://www.emeryetcie.com/) does a lot of tree beds and furniture too.
Crust Station
thanks for the tip, I'll have a look at them too. the world can certainly accomodate more tree baeds :0)
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